Semecarpus anacardium L.F.


Angiosperms > Sapindales > Anacardiaceae > Semecarpus


It is a small evergreen tree. It grows to 5-15 m tall and spreads to 2 m across. The bark is dark brown and rough. The stem is erect and branching. The branches are irregular and hollow and covered with brown air pores. The leaves are crowded at the top of branches. The leaves end in a short point. They are papery and wavy. The leaves are oblong and 25-43 cm long by 15 cm wide. They are brown on the upper surface and hairy underneath. The midribs are prominent on both surfaces. The leaf stalk is 3 cm long. The leaf stalk is enlarged and grooved. The flowers are greenish white. They are arranged in a large cluster over 1 m long and at the ends of branches. The fruit are round and orange. They are borne on a fleshy receptacle. The fruit is 3 cm long. The nut is kidney-shaped and 2.5 cm long by 1.8 cm across. It is covered with fine ridges. The inner flesh is edible.
Life form perennial
Growth form tree
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention
Sexuality dioecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 2.0
Mature height (meter) 18.5 - 20.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


It is a tropical plant. It does best in light, rich, moist soils. It needs a protected, sunny position. It is damaged by drought and frost. It occurs in the tropical lowlands on the banks of creeks. In Nepal it grows to about 1700 m altitude. It is fairly common in the hotter parts of India in the deciduous forest.
On hill slopes, usually at elevations between 500-1,000 metres.
Light 7-9
Soil humidity 1-6
Soil texture 1-6
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 10-12


CAUTION: Poisonous. Unripe fruit are poisonous. Fruit should be roasted or dried. The roasted nut is eaten in some places. They should not be used in large amounts. The roasted fruit rind is eaten. The young fruit are eaten as a pickle with salt and vinegar. The receptacles are eaten after roasting. They are also dried. The ripe fruit are eaten. The swollen fruit stalk is eaten after roasting.
Uses charcoal dye food fuel gum material medicinal oil poison wood
Edible fruits nuts seeds
Therapeutic use Arthralgia (bark), Cough (bark), Edema (bark), Eyelid diseases (bark), Inflammation (bark), Leprosy (bark), Nervous system diseases (bark), Sexually transmitted diseases (bark), Skin diseases (bark), Tuberculosis, lymph node (bark), Urinary bladder calculi (bark), Wounds and injuries (bark), Abortifacient agents (fruit), Hair loss (fruit), Amenorrhea (fruit), Analgesics (fruit), Anthelmintics (fruit), Antifungal agents (fruit), Anti-inflammatory agents (fruit), Antineoplastic agents (fruit), Antirheumatic agents (fruit), Aphrodisiacs (fruit), Appetite stimulants (fruit), Arthritis (fruit), Ascites (fruit), Asthma (fruit), Astringents (fruit), Beriberi (fruit), Brain diseases (fruit), Callosities (fruit), Cardiovascular diseases (fruit), Colic (fruit), Constipation (fruit), Cough (fruit), Diabetes mellitus (fruit), Digestive system diseases (fruit), Dysentery (fruit), Dysmenorrhea (fruit), Dyspepsia (fruit), Edema (fruit), Epilepsy (fruit), Eyelid diseases (fruit), Fever (fruit), Flatulence (fruit), Hair dyes (fruit), Helminthiasis (fruit), Hemorrhage (fruit), Hemorrhoids (fruit), Counterirritant (fruit), Leprosy (fruit), Lymphadenitis (fruit), Mental disorders (fruit), Neoplasms (fruit), Nervous system diseases (fruit), Neuralgia (fruit), Neuritis (fruit), Neurotic disorders (fruit), Paralysis (fruit), Psoriasis (fruit), General tonic for rejuvenation (fruit), Respiratory tract infections (fruit), Sciatica (fruit), Skin diseases (fruit), Splenic diseases (fruit), Splenomegaly (fruit), Sprains and strains (fruit), Syphilis (fruit), Tooth diseases (fruit), Tuberculosis, lymph node (fruit), Ulcer (fruit), Urinary bladder calculi (fruit), Vitiligo (fruit), Warts (fruit), Rheumatoid arthritis (fruit), Anthelmintics (seed), Antineoplastic agents (seed), Cardiotonic agents (seed), Digestive system diseases (seed), Flatulence (seed), Leprosy (seed), Psoriasis (seed), Sterilization, reproductive (seed), Headache (unspecified), Anasarca (unspecified), Anthrax (unspecified), Ascites (unspecified), Asthma (unspecified), Boil (unspecified), Cancer (unspecified), Cholera (unspecified), Condyloma (unspecified), Corn (unspecified), Dyspepsia (unspecified), Epididymitis (unspecified), Esophagus (unspecified), Evil eye (unspecified), Excrescence (unspecified), Fever (unspecified), Hemorrhage (unspecified), Repellant(Insect) (unspecified), Leprosy (unspecified), Nose (unspecified), Orchitis (unspecified), Pimple (unspecified), Poison (unspecified), Psoriasis (unspecified), Pterygium (unspecified), Rheumatism (unspecified), Rinderpest (unspecified), Sciatica (unspecified), Sore (unspecified), Splinter (unspecified), Sprain (unspecified), Toothache (unspecified), Tumor (unspecified), Tumor(Abdomen) (unspecified), Urticaria (unspecified), Vermifuge (unspecified), Wart (unspecified), Wound (unspecified), Ankylostomiasis (unspecified), Debility (unspecified), Mouth (unspecified), Myalgia (unspecified), Pharynx (unspecified), Septicemia (unspecified), Strain (unspecified), Tumor(Veterinary) (unspecified), Anemia (unspecified), Bactericide (unspecified), Chancre (unspecified), Epilepsy (unspecified), Nerves (unspecified), Splenitis (unspecified), Syphilis (unspecified), Hyperglycemia (unspecified), Vesicant (unspecified), Abortifacient agents (unspecified), Amenorrhea (unspecified), Analgesics (unspecified), Anthelmintics (unspecified), Anti-inflammatory agents (unspecified), Antineoplastic agents (unspecified), Antipyretics (unspecified), Antirheumatic agents (unspecified), Antitoxins (unspecified), Aphrodisiacs (unspecified), Appetite stimulants (unspecified), Arthralgia (unspecified), Arthritis (unspecified), Asthenia (unspecified), Astringents (unspecified), Beriberi (unspecified), Bronchitis (unspecified), Cardiotonic agents (unspecified), Colic (unspecified), Cough (unspecified), Diabetes mellitus (unspecified), Dysmenorrhea (unspecified), Emollients (unspecified), Exanthema (unspecified), Expectorants (unspecified), Flatulence (unspecified), Gastritis (unspecified), Gout (unspecified), Hair dyes (unspecified), Heart diseases (unspecified), Helminthiasis (unspecified), Hemiplegia (unspecified), Hemorrhoids (unspecified), Hypohidrosis (unspecified), Inflammation (unspecified), Liver diseases (unspecified), Neoplasms (unspecified), Nervous system diseases (unspecified), Neuralgia (unspecified), Neuritis (unspecified), Paralysis (unspecified), General tonic for rejuvenation (unspecified), Splenic diseases (unspecified), Tuberculosis, lymph node (unspecified), Ulcer (unspecified), Uterine contraction (unspecified), Vitiligo (unspecified), Wounds and injuries (unspecified), Rheumatoid arthritis (unspecified), Scorpion stings (whole plant), Snake bites (whole plant)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants can be grown from seed or cuttings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Semecarpus anacardium world distribution map, present in China, India, Kenya, Myanmar, and Singapore

Conservation status

Semecarpus anacardium threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0000434831
COL ID 66J86
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Cassuvium longifolium Semecarpus anacardium Semecarpus latifolia Semecarpus mangifera Anacardium longifolium Anacardium latifolium Anacardium officinarum Anacardium solitarium Cassuvium anacardium Anacardium officinale Anacardium orientale