Small tree, (c. 3½-)5-10 m high, rarely un-branched. Leaves spaced, spiral, coriaceous, obovate-oblong, oblanceolate, sometimes spathu-late, (ll-)23½-49(-100) by (4½-)7-12(-20)cm; upper surface glabrous; lower surface glabrous, sometimes sparsely puberulous on midrib, nerves, and veins; papillae distinct, covering the lower surface except the midrib, nerves, and thicker veins; base cuneate to attenuate; apex shortly acuminate, sometimes acute, rarely obtuse; nerves 14-38 pairs, rarely more, prominent beneath, distinct above; veins reticulate, or some transverse and sub-parallel, slightly elevated on both surfaces; petiole (0-)2½-7½(-10) cm. Panicles terminal and often also in the leaf axils at the apical part of twigs, up to 57 cm long, puberulous, sometimes glabrescent, or glabrous; lateral branches obliquely ascending, up to 32 cm; bracts linear, 1-1½ mm; pedicels ⅓-½ mm long. Flower-buds subglobose. Calyx lobes triangular, ⅓-½ mm long. Petals imbricate, ovate-oblong or elliptic-oblong, sometimes lanceolate, 2½-3 by 1-1½ mm, sparsely puberulous outside, sometimes glabrescent, with several longitudinal veins. Stamens 1½-3 mm; anthers broad-ovoid, ½-⅔ mm long. Imperfect or sterile stamens in ♀ l-l½ mm. Disk round, flat, puberulous above, rarely glabrescent. Ovary subglobose, 1½-l⅔ mm Ø, densely puberulous; styles 1¼ mm. Drupe subglobose, or sometimes transverse-oblong, 1¼-1½ by 1½-1¾ cm, sparsely puberulous; apex rounded; hypocarp discoid or short-cupular, ¾-1¼ by 1½ cm.