Annual herb, up to 1 m high; stems erect, branching from or near base, glandular-hispid, leafy. Leaves: blade oblong in outline, pinnatisect, ± 100 x 20 mm, decreasing in size upwards, lobes up to 7 each side, distant, margins coarsely and sharply dentate; lower leaves with petiole-like base, bases of all leaves broadened, ear-clasping, glandular-pubescent. Heads radiate, up to ± 15 on sparsely bracteate peduncles, corymbose-paniculately arranged. Involucral bracts ± 14, 7.5-8.0 mm long, ± equalling disc florets, glandular-hispid; calyculus bracts few, small. Flowers: ray florets 6-8(-11); ray and disc florets bright yellow; Jan.-Dec. Fruit with cypsela (and ovary) cylindric, ribbed, hispidulous between ribs.
Herb, up to 1 m high. Leaves pinnatisect, glandular-pubescent. Heads radiate, rays 6-8(-11); involucral bracts ± 14, 7.5-8.0 mm long. Achenes (and ovaries) hispidulous between ribs. Flowers bright yellow.