Perennial herb up to c. 1.5 m tall, stock stout, woody, crowned with old fibrous leaf bases, flowering stem solitary, simple below the inflorescence, lightly cobwebby with loose wool clinging mainly at the leaf bases, leafy throughout. Radical leaves up to 15 x 1.5 cm, roughly half the length petiolar, linear-lanceolate, apex acute, gradually narrowed to the thin, wiry, petiole-like base, expanded below and half-clasping, subcoriaceous, margins thickened, closely and minutely callose-crenulate, slightly crisped, both surfaces thinly cobwebby, glabrescent; cauline leaves similar but soon sessile, passing upwards into linear-lanceolate, acuminate bracts. Beads discoid, up to c. 25 on long scaly peduncles corymbosely arranged. Involucre campanulate, bracts c. 20, 11 mm long, equalling the disc, lightly cobwebby, heavily calycled, these bracts with glandular margins. Flowers yellow. Achenes not seen, ovaries ribbed, glabrous.