Perennial herb, stock woody, up to c. 1 cm diam., crowned with a leaf rosette sometimes wanting at flowering, flowering stems several, lateral to the rosette, hollow, up to c. 6 mm diam. at base, often decumbent then erect to c. 60 cm, simple below, forking above into the compound inflorescence, or forking near the base, distantly leafy, stems, leaves and involucre all glandular-pilose. Radical leaves up to 20 cm long, two thirds of this petiolar, lyrate-pinnatisect, apical lobe up to 6 x 4 cm, more or less deltoid in outline, apex obtuse, base more or less truncate, margins sinuate-serrulate or more coarsely and irregularly toothed or lobed, lateral lobes few, small, petiole thin, abruptly expanded at the base, clasping, cauline leaves oblanceolate or oblong becoming lanceolate upwards, base broad, clasping, margins lobulate, serrate or serrulate. Heads radiate, few on long nearly nude peduncles corymbose-paniculately arranged. Involucre campanulate, bracts c. 12, c. 12-13 mm long, about equalling the disc, calyculus bracts few. Rays 8-12, long and spreading, lobes of the disc flowers tipped with remarkably long hairs, median line in corolla lobes running back down the inflated part of the tube, all flowers clear pale yellow. Achenes c. 4 mm long, narrowly cylindric, closely ribbed, white-hispid between the ribs.
Perennial herb, glandular-pilose, rootstock woody. Stems several, lateral to basal leaf rosette, often decumbent, then erect, up to 0.6 m high, branched, distantly leafy. Leaves: radical leaves up to 70 mm long, lyrate-pinnatisect, base broad, clasping, apical lobe ± deltoid, up to 60 x 40 mm, margins sinuate-serrulate, toothed or sparsely lobed, petioles up to 130 mm long; cauline leaves oblong to oblanceolate, base broad, clasping, margins lobulate to serrulate. Inflorescence a sparse corymbose panicle; peduncles long, ± nude. Capitula few, radiate, disc and rays pale yellow, rays 8-12, long and spreading; involucre campanulate; bracts ± 12, 12-13 mm long; calyculus bracts few. Flowering time Nov.-Jan. Cypselae narrowly cylindrical, ± 4 mm long, closely ribbed, furrows white-hispid.