Suffruticose, cobwebby-tomentose, much branched, the branches canescent, corymbiferous; leaves half-clasping and often unidentate at base, linear-subulate, subpungent mucronate, with revolute margins, punctulate and glabrate (the younger cobwebby) above, tomentose beneath; corymb lax, compound, the pedicels copiously scaly below the head; inv. calycled, of 14-16 glabrous, barbellate scales; heads discoid, 20-30-fl.; achenes cano-pubescent. A much-branched bush, 1-2 feet high, all the young parts copiously flocculent. Leaves 1-2 inches long, 1 line wide, from a broadish base, which is very frequently produced at each side into a tooth-like ear. Corymbs spreading, 10-20-headed. Heads 3 lines long.