Perennial herb or spreading shrub 30–100 cm high, rhizomatous; stems erect, glandular-pubescent, leafy.. Lower and median stem leaves ± equal in size, sessile and ovate-oblong or oblong, 4.5–11.5 cm long, 1.5–4.5 cm wide, base auriculate, margins sinuate-denticulate to strongly dentate-lobulate, apiculate-bidentate or lobulate, apex obtuse, apiculate; upper stem leaves sessile, similar to the lower, margins dentate-lobulate, apex acute, 3–5 cm long, 1.2–1.5 cm wide; all leaves finely glandular above and beneath.. Capitula radiate, erect, numerous in copious often dense terminal corymbs; stalk of individual heads densely glandular-hairy; involucre cylindrical, 7–11 mm long, 4.5–6.5 mm in diameter; bracts of calyculus 4–6, lanceolate to linear, glandular and 5–8 mm long; phyllaries 12–13, 8.5–10 mm long, glandular.. Ray florets 10–13, citrus yellow, corolla tube 4–5.5 mm long, glabrous, rays 10–15 mm long, 3.7–4 mm wide, 5–10-veined; disc florets yellow, corolla 6.5–9 mm long, tube expanded or abruptly expanded above the middle, glabrous, lobes 1–1.2 mm long.. Achenes not known mature, immature achenes 2–4 mm long, glabrous; pappus 5–7 mm long, white.