Perennial herb up to 45 cm tall, rootstock slender, crowned with thin fibrous leaf bases, flowering stems solitary, simple or rarely branching from the crown, very sparsely hairy, leafy in the lower part, bracteate upwards. Radical leaves on slender petioles up to 6 cm long, blade orbicular to broadly ovate, up to 4 x 3 cm, but often c. 1 x 1 cm, apex rounded, base cordate to subtruncate, margins callose-dentate, upper surface thinly hairy, lower glabrous, lower stem leaves spathulate, base broad, clasping, becoming oblong then lanceolate-acute upwards with base subhastate, the lobes toothed. Heads radiate, solitary or up to 10 corymbosely arranged. Involucre campanulate, bracts c. 20, 5-6.5 mm long, about equalling the disc, calyculus bracts few, short, margins sometimes minutely ciliate. Rays 8(-13), long and spreading, they and the disc bright yellow. Achenes c. 2.5 mm (immature), ribbed, glabrous or with a few cilia.