Flowers sweet-scented, (5)6–8-merous, 1–2(3) usually borne at nodes from which the leaves have fallen, subsessile or with a peduncle 1 mm long, or sometimes with a few solitary flowers terminal on woody spurs up to 10 mm long; bract and bracteoles cupular, 3, 1–3 mm high, each with 2 unequal pairs of awns, puberulous outside.
Corolla covered in silky hairs outside; tube 7–12 mm long, inside with upper part villose except for throat, 1.5–3 mm in diameter; lobes 5–10(12) × 2–3(4) mm, ± truncate and rather irregular at the apex, acuminate but acumen not central in mature lobes.
Calyx tube densely covered with silky hairs; limb 4–5(6) mm long, ellipsoid and closed in bud, with an apiculate tip up to 1(2) mm long, splitting into 2–3 lobes when the corolla opens, occasionally translucent, with silky hairs outside, shiny inside.
Rhizomatous subshrub, 10–50 (100) cm high; young stems pubescent with upwardly appressed hairs; older stems covered with dark red-brown bark.
Pollen presenter level with or borne clearly above the anther tips, lobes c. 1–1.5 mm long; placenta with 2 basal-lateral immersed ovules.
Style 14–16 mm long, pubescent or becoming sparsely pubescent towards the apex, occasionally glabrous.
Fruit orange or red, 1–1.5 cm in diameter; supporting stalks 2–4 mm long.
Filaments 0.5–1 mm long, glabrous; anthers 3.6–4.6 mm long.
Seeds 5–6 mm across.