Corolla with a long cylindrical or (not in the Flora Zambesiaca area) narrowly funnel-shaped tube, curved or (not in the Flora Zambesiaca area) straight, usually with a conspicuous spur near the base; limb spreading at right angles to the tube, lobes subequal, entire or (not in the Flora Zambesiaca area) fringed.
Flowers large, white, cream, pink or (not in the Flora Zambesiaca area) yellow, sweet-scented in the evening and early morning (pollinated by butterflies), in few-flowered raceme-like inflorescences.
Leaves deciduous, entire, usually obovate, petiolate and alternate on long shoots, almost sessile and fasciculate in the axils of spines (modified petioles).
Ovary bilocular divided incompletely by false septa into 4 compartments; ovules numerous, uniseriate in each compartment.
Branched, spiny, small trees or shrubs; trunks smooth, usually swollen at the base, with ascending branches.
Stamens 4, subequal, inserted near the throat of the corolla tube; thecae parallel; pollen in tetrads.
Seeds numerous, large, compressed, subcircular to transversely oblong, with broad membranous wings.
Fruit a rigid woody capsule, laterally compressed, oblong to obovate in outline.
Calyx 5-partite, subequally lobed, posterior lobe smaller.