Leaves sessile, subsessile or the inferior ones petiolate, lamina 4–12 x 0.1–2.0 cm., variable in shape, linear to cultrate, margins entire, more or less inrolled, or narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate, irregularly toothed, cuneate at the base, acute or obtuse at the apex, densely glandular on the inferior surface.
Capsule cultrate in lateral view, appressed to the stem (TAB. 23 fig. C), light coloured, parchment-like when mature, glabrescent, 15–25 x 3.5 mm.; beak of the fruit straight or bent towards the stem, up to 5 mm. long (TAB. 23 fig. C).
Seeds on both faces with transversal ribs, c. 1.3 x 1 mm., black when mature (TAB. 24 fig. C1).
Erect annual or perennial herb, stem simple or branched, 0.4–2.0 m. high.
Corolla 2.5–3.5 cm. long, 1–2 cm. in diam. at the throat.
Flowers purple, pink or mauve, often spotted within.
Pink or mauve flowers about 1 inch long
A herb up to 6 ft. high
Sometimes cultivated.