Medium-sized or large buttressed tree. Young parts (leaf and stipule excepting) fugaceous puberulent. Twig 1-2 mm ø apically, at first slightly compressed, becoming terete, smooth; stipule scar short, +-horizontal. Bud to 8 by 5 mm, ovoid, compressed, subacute. Stipule to 10 by 5 mm, oblong to elliptic, obtuse, caducous. Leaves 6-9 by 4-7 cm, broadly ovate, coriaceous; base cordate to obtuse; acumen to 5 mm long, somewhat falcate; nerves 8-9 pairs, stout, prominent beneath, with large pore-like axillary domatia, arched, at 55°-70° except at the base; tertiary nerves densely scalariform, obscure; midrib evident, applanate, above, stout, terete, prominent beneath. Petiole 10-15 mm long. Flower and inflorescence unknown. Fruit pedicel c. 1 mm long, short. Calyx buff puberulent in the basal half, sparsely so distally; 3 longer lobes to 7 by 1.2 cm, spatulate, subacute, c. 4 mm broad above the to 11 by 5 mm ovate thickened saccate base; 2 shorter lobes to 1.5 by 0.4 cm, lorate, acute, similar at base. Nut to 15 by 10 mm, ovoid, persistently buff sericeous, shortly apiculate.