Medium-sized to large tree. Bud, stipule outside, twig, panicle, petiole and the basal half of the midrib beneath persistently shortly ± sparsely pale cream-brown pubescent. Twig 2 mm ø apically, smooth. Bud c. 3 by 2 mm, globose to ovoid, subacute. Stipule to 5 by 2 mm, fugaceous, lanceolate, acute. Leaves 7-14 by 4-9 cm, ovate to elliptic, coriaceous; base obtuse or broadly cuneate; acumen c. 1-1.5 cm long, narrow; margin slightly revolute; nerves 8-10 pairs, prominent beneath, at 50°-85° towards the base and 30°-40° at the apex, curved and following the margin for a short distance distally; tertiary nerves well spaced, scalariform; petiole 1.5-2.2 cm long. Panicle to 18 cm long, terminal or axillary, terete, slender, lax; irregularly doubly branched, branchlets to 3 cm long bearing to 7 +-distichous flowers; bracteoles to 1.5 mm long, minute, fugaceous. Flower bud to 8 by 2 mm, relatively large, lanceolate, acute. Calyx shortly cream pubescent outside, glabrous within; lobes ovate, acute, shortly acuminate, the inner 2 slightly smaller, thinner, basally constricted, with a pronouncedly setose margin. Petals cream, linear, pubescent on parts exposed in bud, imbricate at base and forming a small cup on opening, spreading distally but hardly twisted. Stamens 15, in 3 unequal verticils; filaments slender, tapering, hardly gibbous; anthers subglobose; appendage to connective twice length of anther, slender, reaching base of style, shortly ciliate towards apex. Ovary and stylopodium ovoid-conical, densely shortly pubescent, tapering distally; style short, densely setose in basal half, otherwise glabrous. Fruit calyx glabrous, lobes subequal, c. 1 cm long and broad, broadly ovate, thickened at the base, tuberculate, closely adpressed to the base of the nut, the obtuse thin apices recurved. Nut c. 3.5 by 2.5 cm, large, broadly obovoid, shortly buff pubescent, splitting open at germination unevenly to reveal brilliant red cotyledons.
Can be grown by seedlings. Seeds needs soaking.