Herbs, perennial, colonial or not, 0.2–0.6(–1.1) m, not glaucous, with woody caudex, usually with woody taproot, without rhizomes or rhizomes not cordlike, 3–10 mm diam. Stems clustered or scattered, erect to ascending, or decumbent to suberect, sometimes rooting, unbranched or branched, solid, usually densely to sparsely hirsute, stellate-hairy, or glabrescent, hairs 1–2 mm, distal stem usually more sparsely hairy to glabrate. Leaves basal and/or cauline; stipules green or purplish, linear-lanceolate or wide-lanceolate to oblong or ovate, 3–8(–12) × 1–3.5(–5) mm, often hairy to ciliate; petioles of proximalmost leaves (5–)6–15(–30) cm, 3–9 times as long as blades, much reduced distally to 1/2–2 times as long as blade; blades: proximalmost usually orbiculate, sometimes reniform, unlobed or shallowly lobed, (1–)4–15 × (1–)4–12 cm, base cordate, margins crenate, apex rounded, surfaces hairy, hairs stiff, either or both simple and stellate or forked, lobes cuneate-obovate, margins dentate; mid stem unlobed or palmately 5–9-lobed, margins coarsely crenate-serrate, lobes toothed or lobed to dissected; distalmost smaller, sometimes subsessile. Inflorescences erect or somewhat ascending, dense, subcapitate or spicate especially when young to elongated and open, calyces overlapping or not, not long-pedunculate, usually unbranched, 2–21-flowered, usually light or bright pink to lavender or dark rose-purple, rarely white, pale-veined, 7–20(–30) mm, pistillate 7–11(–30) mm, bisexual 10–25(–30) mm; staminal column 4–8 mm, hairy; anthers white to pale pink or pale yellow; stigmas (6 or)7 or 8(or 9). Schizocarps 4–8 mm diam.; mericarps (6 or)7 or 8(or 9), 2.5–4 mm, usually minutely hirtellous, stellate-puberulent, or glandular, rarely glabrous, roughened, sides ± honeycomb-pitted and reticulate-veined, back less so, mucro 0.3–1 mm. Seeds 1.5–3 mm. 2n = 20, 40, 60.
A small plant. It grows 60-100 cm high and spreads 40-75 cm wide. It forms clumps or erect stems. The leaves at the base are rounded with shallow lobes. They are 15 cm across. The leaves on the stems are shiny green and in segments. The flowers are small and pink.