Herbs, perennial, 0.3–0.7 m, not glaucous, with slender, elongated rhizomes to 1 cm diam. Stems single or in dense patches, erect, solid, hairy, hairs simple, spreading, bristly. Leaves cauline, evenly arrayed on stem; stipules asymmetric-ovate and auriculate, 10–20 × 10–20 mm, width exceeding stem diam.; petioles of proximal leaves 7–10 cm, gradually reduced distally to 2 cm, 1–1 1/2 times blade length proximally to 1/2 blade length distally; blade ovate to elliptic, unlobed, usually (4–)7–8 × (2.5–)4–5 cm, reduced distally, base cordate, margins crenate-serrate, apex acute to rounded, surfaces glabrous abaxially, sparsely hirsute adaxially. Inflorescences erect, capitate, ± dense, calyces overlapping, unbranched, 2–10-flowered, not elongate, not 1-sided, 3–5 cm; proximalmost bracts involucrelike, similar to stipules in size and shape, narrowed to linear distally, usually divided to base, 10–20 mm, longer than pedicels, equaling or slightly shorter than calyx. Pedicels 1–2 mm; involucellar bractlets 3, 8–12 mm, equaling or longer than calyx. Flowers bisexual; calyx 8 mm, sparsely to densely bristly, sometimes also stellate-hairy; petals pink, usually pale-veined, 15 mm; staminal column 4–6 mm, hairy; anthers white; stigmas 7 or 8. Schizocarps 4–5 mm diam.; mericarps 7 or 8, 2 mm, glabrous, smooth, back with medial line, mucro absent. Seeds 1.9 mm.