Robust, climbing or pendent shrubs, usually dioecious, glabrous, rarely pubescent; roots arising from compact rhizome. Stems and branches often aculeate. Leaves alternate or opposite, petiolate, thin or coriaceous, curvinerved, with 3-7 main nerves. Modified stipules forming 2 caducous tendrils arising from distinct, persistent leaf-sheath at base of petiole. Inflorescence of few-many-flowered umbels; umbels solitary, or arranged in racemes or spikes. Flowers regular, unisexual; perianth-segments 6, free or rarely united. Male flowers with 3 or 6(-15) stamens; filaments sometimes united into a column; anthers introrse; pistillode absent. Female flowers with 1-6 filiform staminodes; ovary superior, sessile, 3-locular; locules with 1-2 ovules; stigmas 3, recurved. Fruit a 1-3-seeded, globose or broadly obovoid berry. Seed globose or lenticular; endosperm hard
Shrubs, herbs, or vines, perennial, rhizomatous. Stems erect or climbing, usually prickly, sometimes unarmed. Leaves opposite or alternate, prominently 3-veined, reticulate between veins, usually bearing tendrils, usually leathery. Inflorescences umbellate [or racemose or spicate]. Flowers unisexual, staminate and pistillate on different plants; tepals 6, distinct, rarely united into perianth tube; stamens 2–3-whorled, anthers 1-locular; pistillate flowers bearing staminodes, pistil 3-carpellate; ovary 2-locular, 1–2 ovules per locule. Fruits baccate. Seeds 1–3.
Shrubs, climbing or straggling, often with tendril-like petioles and prickly stems and branches; roots from an often stout rhizome; stems leafy
Stamens 6; filaments free or united; anthers apparently 1-locular by the confluence of the cells, introrse
Flowers dioecious or rarely bisexual, small, arranged in axillary umbels, racemes or spikes
Leaves alternate or opposite, 3-nerved, reticulate-veiny between the nerves
Ovary superior, 3-locular; ovules 1-2 in each loculus, pendulous
Perianth-segments 6, free or rarely united
Seeds 1-3; embryo small in hard endosperm
Staminodes present in the female flower
Fruit a berry