Young parts, inflorescences and flowers with a dense rusty tomentum, the stems and leaf upper surfaces eventually glabrescent. Leaves opposite; lamina ovate, 9-16 by 4-7 cm, attenuate or cuneate at the base to a petiole 4-10 mm long, acuminate and acute at the apex, dull and dark green above, paler below under the rusty indumentum; midrib and main laterals distinct above. Inflorescencess several at the nodes; pedicel 0.5-2 mm long, articulate near the middle or with the peduncular segment obsolete and then apparently not articulate; bracts apparently 2 (owing to complete or nearly complete fusion of two of the three bracts), 2-3 mm long, 2-4 mm wide, acute, imbricate and enveloping the ovary. Corolla in mature bud 28-38 mm long, slightly inflated towards the middle, weakly clavate and acute at the apex, pink or red, sometimes yellow above; tube in the open flower 16-22 mm long with the petals reflexed 5-8 mm higher. Anther c. 3 mm long, shorter than the free part of the filament. Fig. 42a, b.