Solanum chenopodioides Lam.

Morelle sublobée (fr), Morelle faux chénopode (fr)


Angiosperms > Solanales > Solanaceae > Solanum


Plants sprawling herbs to 1 m high, often greyish-green in colour, somewhat tomentose with soft appressed eglandular-headed multicellular hairs. Stems usually smooth with edentate ridges. Leaves elliptic to lanceolate, 2.7-5.4(10.0) cm long x (1.8)2.2-5.4 cm broad, margins entire to sinuate, apices obtuse to acute, distinct lobes usually absent; lower surface usually distinctly tomentose. Inflorescences simple, umbellate cymes, 4 to 6(8)-flowered; peduncles 1.0-2.5(5.0) cm long fruiting when distinctively deflexed and often subtended by small elliptic leaf; pedicels 8-12 mm long. Calyces 2.4-3.5 mm long in flower, sepals usually adherent to base of mature berry. Corollas stellate, white with greenish-yellow or brown and yellow basal star, 6.0-9.0 mm radius. Anthers yellow, 2.0-2.8 mm long. Styles 4.0 to 5.5(6.5) mm long, exserted up to 2 mm beyond anthers. Berries globose to broadly ovoid, purple, with dull opaque cuticles, 6.3-8.5 mm diameter, deciduous when ripe and falling from calyces or with pedicels still attached. Seeds 1.0-1.8 mm long, 24 to 48(62) per berry. Sclerotic granules usually absent.
Greyish, velvety-tomentose, unarmed perennial herb or subshrub to c. 1.5 m tall; mature stems with 2 ridges. Petioles to 3 cm long. Lamina (1.5)-2.5-11 × (0.5)-1-6 cm, ovate or lanceolate-ovate, tomentose above and below, entire or nearly so; base attenuate; apex acute to acuminate. Cymes umbellate; peduncles very variable in length; pedicels becoming strongly deflexed at fruiting. Calyx 2-3 mm long; lobes very small, somewhat accrescent, lanceolate to oblong or elliptic. Corolla 8-13 mm diam., white; lobes lanceolate or narrowly triangular, densely hairy outside, soon reflexing. Anthers 1.5-3 mm long. Berry 5-7 mm diam., globose, dull purplish black or purple; stone cells 0. Seeds 1-1.5 mm long, suborbicular.
Short-lived, perennial herb, up to 1 m high, grey-green, hairs soft, appressed, multicel-lular. Stems ridged. Leaves elliptic to lanceolate, up to 70 x 40 mm, margins entire to sinuate; petioles up to 50 mm long. Inflorescence simple, umbellate cymes, 4-8-flowered; fruiting peduncles up to 50 mm long, deflexed; pedicels 8-12 mm long. Calyx 2.5-3.5 mm long, lobes ± 1 mm, adherent to ripe fruit. Corolla stellate, 12-20 mm in diam., white, basal star yellow. Flowering time Sept.-June. Fruit globose to broadly ovoid, 6.5-10.0 mm in diam., purple, dull, opaque. Seeds 25-50, ± lenticular, compressed, 1.0-1.8 mm long, ± yellow.
Sprawling perennial herb to 1 m high, green or grey-green, pubescent with simple hairs; prickles absent. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, the lamina usually 4–7 cm long, and 2–4 cm wide, discolorous, entire or shallowly lobed; petiole to 5 cm long. Inflorescence short, 5–10-flowered; peduncle 1–2 cm long, slightly longer in fruit; pedicels 5–8 mm long. Calyx 1–3.5 mm long; lobes rounded, 0.5–1.5 mm long. Corolla deeply incised, 12–20 mm diam., white. Anthers 2.5–3.5 mm long. Berry globular, 5–9 mm diam., black. Seeds 1–1.8 mm long, light brownish-yellow.
Annual or perennial herb, up to 1 m high. Spines absent. Leaves petiolate; blade rhombic, apex acute, base cuneate, margins entire or shallowly lobed, slightly undulate, pubescent with short, erect or curved hairs; up to 50 mm long. Flowers: inflorescence lateral, a few-flowered umbel; corolla 15-20 mm in diameter, white; Aug.-Apr. Fruit a black berry, 5-9 mm in diameter.
Shrub, up to 1 m high, unarmed. Leaves entire or with shallowly lobed margin, slightly undulate, pubescent with short, erect or curved hairs. Inflorescence an umbel. Corolla 15-20 mm in diameter. Berries black. Flowers white.
A herb. It grows to 1 m high. It grows each year from seed. The leaves are 3-6 cm long by 1-3 cm wide. The fruit are round and 6-8 mm across.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination entomogamy
Spread endozoochory
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 1.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


It is a subtropical plant. It grows in coastal regions and near watercourses. It can grow in arid places. In Argentina it grows below 500 m above sea level.
Grows in gullies and on river banks.
Light -
Soil humidity 1-4
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


The fruit can be used for jam, jellies and processed products.
Uses medicinal
Edible fruits leaves
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity strong toxic (whole)
Animal toxicity strong toxic (whole)


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 15 - 21
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 26
Germination luminosity light
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Solanum chenopodioides habit picture by emmanuel bourges (cc-by-sa)
Solanum chenopodioides habit picture by Rob Vogelsang (cc-by-sa)
Solanum chenopodioides habit picture by Mathieu Neyret (cc-by-sa)


Solanum chenopodioides leaf picture by Noximilian Wild (cc-by-sa)
Solanum chenopodioides leaf picture by nadia bairamis (cc-by-sa)
Solanum chenopodioides leaf picture by Aaliya kaye (cc-by-sa)


Solanum chenopodioides flower picture by Salmaso Andrea (cc-by-sa)
Solanum chenopodioides flower picture by Rossi Marco (cc-by-sa)
Solanum chenopodioides flower picture by Sastre Oriol (cc-by-sa)


Solanum chenopodioides fruit picture by Sastre Oriol (cc-by-sa)
Solanum chenopodioides fruit picture by Michel Woitiez (cc-by-sa)
Solanum chenopodioides fruit picture by Jurgen (cc-by-sa)


Solanum chenopodioides world distribution map, present in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, France, Greece, Libya, Lesotho, New Zealand, Peru, Portugal, Paraguay, Uruguay, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-0001026988
BDTFX ID 64860
INPN ID 124025
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


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