Ascending or low and spreading perennial herb, sarmentose and tuber-bearing; stems glabrescent. Leaves 3-12-foliolate, leaflets to 3.5 cm broad and 6 cm long but mostly about half that size, the terminal leaflet largest and the basal pair reduced, ovate, mostly acute apically, basally obtuse or rounded, sometimes oblique, glabrate beneath, above with short, scattered hairs; interstitial leaflets few, small; petioles mostly 2-4 mm long; minor leaves sometimes wanting. In-f lorescence axillary or appearing terminal, standing above the leaves, a few-flowered panicle; the peduncle glabrous, sparingly branched, 5 cm long; pedicels 1.5-2.5 cm long, erect, glabrate, filiform, articulated at about the middle or below. Flowers medium-sized; calyx 5 mm long, relatively broad, glabrate, lobed to about 1/3 the way down, the lobes lanceolate; corolla lavender, rotate, ca. 3 cm across, lobed to '/5 the way down; anthers elongoid, 3-4 mm long. Fruit (Correll) 2-3 cm long, ovoid to cylindric, green.