Low spreading perennial herb, less than 20 cm above the ground, sarmentose and tuber-bearing; stems puberulent. Leaves mostly 5-foliolate, leaflets 2 cm broad and 3.5 cm long, the terminal leaflet slightly larger, broadly elliptical, obtuse apically, basally rounded, slightly oblique, with conspicuous coarse glandular hairs above, finely puberulent and reticulate-veined beneath; petioles less than 5 mm long, often almost absent; minor leaves wanting. Inflorescence almost terminal, standing above the leaves, the peduncle 5 cm long, slender, sparingly branched, puberulent to hispid; pedicels filiform, 1.5-2 cm long, erect, dark, finely hispid, articulated variously near the middle to 1/3 the way down. Flowers with the calyx 3 mm long, relatively broad, lobed to 1/3 the way down, the lobes broadly deltoid; corolla pale purple, ca. 3 cm across, rotate, lobed to 5 the way down; anthers stout, 3-4 mm long.