Spreading tree to 20 m tall. Bark fissured and flaky, grey. Pneumatophores slender, pointed, to c. 20 cm high. Leaves: lamina elliptic, c. 7.5–10 cm long, 3.5–5.4 cm wide, pale green, dull on upper surface, satin lustre on lower surface, broadly acute to obtuse with recurved mucro; petiole 5–12 mm long. Flowers: hypanthium surface fine leathery, otherwise smooth, dull lustre, occasionally with slight ribs below calyx lobe junctions; calyx lobes 6, 18–19 mm long, apex acute, only slightly reddish toward base of inner surfaces; petals linear, c. 25 mm long, c. 2 mm wide when fresh, red; staminal filaments c. 26 mm long (fresh), white; anthers pale yellow (petals and stamens fall within hours after anthesis); ovary c. 18 locular; style c. 55 mm long, stigma fungiform, c. 2 mm wide. Berry erect, globose, c. 6 mm long, c. 28 mm wide, often indented around style base, the calyx persistent; hypanthium cup-shaped, 28–30 mm wide, 39–42 mm from calyx base to lobe apex, lobes erect, spreading, c. 23 mm long.