An erect sparsely branched shrub to 0-75 m tall. Branches slender, glabrous, covered with densely imbricate leaves. Leaves linear, semi-terete, flattened on the upper surface, sharply mucronate, 20-30 mm long; somewhat incurved to hooked at the apex, sparsely covered with long silky hairs when young becoming scabrous later. Inflorescence sessile, globose, 2-2-5 cm in diam. Involucres 7-9 flowered, subtended by a lanceolate attenuate bract. Bracts lanceolate attenuate, 7-8 mm long, outer surface glabrous, margins densely ciliate. Bracteoles narrowly lanceolate, glabrous, 4-5 mm long, margins densely ciliate. Perianth limbs ovate, 1 mm long, glabrous. Perianth claws filiform, lanate. Perianth tube glabrous, 3 mm long slightly quadrangular. Anthers sessile, broadly elliptic, with a minute black pointed apical boss. Style filiform, 10 mm long terminated by an ovoid pollen presenter. Ovary minute, 0-25 mm long, scarcely differentiated from the style, glabrous. Hypogynous scales absent. Fruits glabrous, 5 mm long, narrowly emarginate at the base. Flowering occurs during October and November.
Erect, sparsely branched shrublet to 80 cm. Leaves linear, slightly hooked at tips, glabrescent, 20-30 mm long, margins scabrid. Flower heads in globose clusters, ± 20-25 mm diam., pink with glabrous, shiny black tips.