Climbing subshrub. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules and stipels present. Inflorescences axillary, falsely racemose; rhachis conspicuously swollen at the insertion of the pedicels. Calyx-tube campanulate; lobes 5, the upper pair joined to form an emarginate lip. Corolla medium-sized, green and bluish-purple; standard almost round, very shortly clawed, auriculate and with 2 conspicuous calli, glabrous; wings elliptic-oblong; keel not twisted. Vexillary stamen almost free, not dilated; 5 longer filaments dilated apically; anthers uniform. Ovary 2–3-ovuled; style elongated, slender and flexible below, thickened and stiffened above, the upper part bearded inside; stigma almost terminal, obliquely subcapitate. Pods oblong, not septate. Seeds broadly ellipsoidal, very compressed; hilum small and central; aril not developed.