Taprooted perennial herb. Stems decumbent to ascending, (5)-10-25-(50) cm long, with glandular hairs above. Lvs not usually fascicled, fleshy, linear, obtuse to mucronate, (5)-10-25-(50) × 1 mm, glabrous or with glandular hairs. Stipules pale, not very silvery, connate c. 1/2 of length and forming a short sheath (older stipules often split apart), triangular, acute, 2-3.5 × 2-3 mm; apex often folded back. Infl. a lax monochasium or unequal dichasium, few-to many-flowered. Pedicels (5)-10-18-(30) mm long, with glandular hairs. Sepals obtuse to subacute, 5-7 mm long, with glandular hairs; margins scarious. Petals purplish pink to white, usually < sepals. Stamens 7-10. Capsule usually > sepals. Seeds circular, very dark brown, smooth, 0.7-0.8 mm long, with a broad membranous finely toothed wing up to 0.4 mm wide, or rarely not winged.
Erect or prostrate, much-branched annual or perennial to 40 cm, glabrous or sparsely glandular-puberulent above; lvs 1–5 cm × 0.8–2 mm, with short or no mucro; stipules deltoid, 1.5–6 mm; sep narrowly ovate, 3–6 mm; pet white (seldom pink), shorter than the sep; stamens (7–)9–10; fr 5–8 mm; seed 0.6–1.1 mm, smooth or minutely sculptured, the marginal wings 0.1–0.4 mm wide, entire or erose; 2n=18, 36. Native of Europe, intr. in salt flats and marshes in coastal and c. N.Y., and along salted highways in O., Mich., and Ill.; to be expected elsewhere in our range. (S. maritima)
Herbs perennial. Stems erect or decumbent, 15--30 cm tall, glandular hairy on inflorescence. Leaves not or rarely fasciculate, 1--2 cm × ca. 1 mm, fleshy, apex mucronate; stipules not silvery, lanceolate. Cymes sparse; bracts reduced. Sepals lanceolate or oblong-ovate, 5--7 × 1.5--2 mm. Petals pink, rarely white, oblong, equaling or somewhat exceeding sepals. Stamens (5 or)10. Capsule 1.5--2 × as long as calyx. Seeds dark brown, orbicular, ca. 1 mm, smooth or tuberculate, with membranous wing. Fl. May--Aug, fr. Aug--Oct. 2n = 18.
A herb which can complete its life cycle in 2 years or grow for several years. It grows 10-30 cm high. It has a stout root. The stem is erect and branching. The leaves are opposite and 1-5 cm long. They are 2 mm wide. They are fleshy. There is a membrane like stipule near the base of each pair of leaves. The flowers are white and pink or violet and on stalks about 5-20 mm long. The seeds have wings or flanges.
Glabrescent, ± sticky, sprawling perennial, up to 0.5 m tall, with a thick, woody rootstock. Leaves opposite and in axillary tufts, linear, ± succulent. Flowers in open, glandular-hairy cymes, white or pink, sepals usually longer than 4 mm. Seeds winged.
Glabrescent, sprawling perennial from a thick, woody rootstock, up to 0.5 m high. Leaves opposite and in axillary tufts, linear. Flowers in open, glandular-hairy cymes, white or pink; sepals usually > 4 mm long. Flowering time Oct.-Jan. Seeds winged.
Glabrescent, sprawling perennial from a thick, woody rootstock, to 50 cm. Leaves opposite and in axillary tufts, linear. Flowers in open, glandular-hairy cymes, white or pink, sepals usually longer than 4 mm. Seeds winged.
Perennial herb, up to 400 mm tall. Stipules on young stems connate for more than half their length, broadly triangular, not acuminate. Capsule more than 6 mm in diameter. Flowers white or pink.
Perennial herb, up to 1 m high. Stems erect, spreading, glabrous. Leaves opposite, fleshy; blade linear. Flowers: in cymes; 9-12 mm long; petals pink; Dec.-Feb.