Subshrubs or herbs, to 1/2 m tall, branching, the stems angular, scarcely thick-ened on the angles, scabridulous, the nodes well spaced, the uppermost leaves often narrower or shorter. Leaves sessile or subsessile, elliptic to narrowly ob-long, 0.7-3.5 cm long, 0.1-1.0 cm wide, acute at the apex, basally acute or attenuate acute, the lateral veins 4, strongly ascending, stiffly papyraceous, con-colorous, drying dull green, scabridulous above, scabrid beneath on the costa and the veins; stipules with the sheath short, scabridulous, the setas few, 5-8, longer than the sheath. Inflorescences axillary, those in lower axils to 0.7 cm wide, to 0.3 cm wide in the uppermost axils. Flowers not seen. Fruits oblong, ca. 2 mm long, scabridulous outside, the calycine teeth often persistent, acute.