Subshrubs to 12 m tall, the stems smooth, usually glabrous, the nodes well spaced. Leaves elliptic, narrowly oblong or obovate oblong, 3.0-5.5 cm long, 1.0-1.5(-1.9) cm wide, acute or obtuse at the apex, basally attenuate acute or acute, the costa prominulous beneath, the lateral veins (3-)4, strongly ascending, evanescent, rigidly papyraceous, glabrous, smooth, black when dry; petioles slen-der, 2-10 mm long; stipules with the sheath reduced, glabrous, the setas 4-5, exceeding the sheath in length. Inflorescences (in fruit) axillary, to 1 cm long. Flowers not seen. Fruits subsessile, oblong to turbinate, to 3 mm long, truncate, glabrous, smooth, black, the teeth tending to persist, to 0.3 mm long, acute.