Terrestrial ferns with a short-to moderately long-creeping rhizome, if stout with a solenostele with a sclerotic medullary Strand, if more slender mostly with a lindsaeoid protostele. Rhizome scales elongate-triangular to acicular, in the smaller species some scales wholly uniseriate and therefore the scales grading into hairs. Petioles abaxially terete, adaxially upward sulcate. Lamina much dissected, decompound, strongly anadromic, without a conform terminal pinna, the ultimate divisions confluent near the pinna-apices, not free and conform (except in the New Caledonian S. alutacea). Veins free, simple or forked in the ultimate divisions. Sori uni-to paucinerval, on the apical margin of the segments; indusium attached at the base and the sides. Paraphyses 2-or 3-celled, observed in one species (S. chinensis), presumably present in all and fugacious. Spores monolete or trilete. Gametophyte undescribed.