Usually about 60 cm high, moderately branched, with villous branchlets. Leaves mostly 0.6-1 cm long, closely set, erect-spreading, oblong, very obtuse, retuse, flat, slightly keeled on the dorsal surface, ciliate, becoming glabrous. Stipules almost entirely adnate to the base of the petiole. Flower-heads mostly 1-1.2 cm wide, terminal and solitary, involucred by enlarged whitish leaves much overtopping the flowers. Bract and bracteoles almost as long as the flowers, linear-spathulate, apiculate, ciliate. Flowers agglutinate with a resinous substance. Calyx-tube narrowly obconic, ridged longitudinally, pilose, with a narrow free upper margin: calyx-lobes lanceolate, acuminate, ciliate, viscid, almost as long as the petals. Petals about 3 mm long, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, pilose on upper half of the dorsal surface. Anthers ovate, about 0.75 mm long. Styles connate throughout. Fruit containing 1 rotund seed.
Densely leafy, willowy shrub to 1 m. Leaves elliptic, imbricate, ascending, ± 10-12 mm. Flowers in large heads, pink, sticky, surrounded by white, elliptic-lanceolate bracts.