About 50 cm high, much branched, with sparsely pubescent branchlets. Leaves mostly about 7 mm long, closely set, narrowly oblanceolate-linear, obtuse, apiculate, bluntly keeled on the dorsal surface, slightly convex on the ventral surface, glabrous, erect-spreading. Stipules minute, subulate. Flower-heads about 4 mm wide, usually clustered at the ends of very short branchlets, surrounded and shortly overtopped by ovate-lanceolate villous or ciliate leaves. Bract and bracteoles almost as long as the flower, linear, with caducous hairs on the dorsal surface. Calyx-tube narrowly obconic, clothed with caducous hairs, adhering to the ovary throughout: calyx-lobes deltoid, acuminate, with caducous hairs on the dorsal surface, reaching to well above the middle of the petals. Petals 2.5 mm long, obovate, very obtuse, toothed at the upper margin, persistently villous on the lower half of the ventral surface. Anthers 0.75 mm long, oblong, reaching to well above the middle of the petals. Ovary narrowly obconic: styles connate except for the diverging tips. Fruit unknown.
Erect, single-stemmed, closely leafy shrub to 1 m. Leaves linear-oblanceolate, spreading-ascending. Flowers in small heads borne in upper axils and loosely clustered in corymbs, pink, petals hairy below.