About 70 cm high, with puberulous or pubescent red-brown branchlets. Leaves mostly 5-8 mm long, closely set, petiolate, erect-spreading, spreading or recurved, linear, obtuse, trigonous, glabrous, with a prominent vein on the upper surface. Flower-heads 3-4 mm wide, hemispheric, often in panicle-like clusters. Bracts accompanying the outer flowers lanceolate, concave on the ventral surface, ciliate. Bracteoles setaceous, villous, reaching to the middle of the calyx-lobes. Calyx-tube villous, with caducous hairs, with a cup-shaped free upper part: calyx-lobes linear-lanceolate, villous on the dorsal surface, reaching to the middle of the petals. Petals about 1-25 mm long, obovate, glabrous, white, with short keels converging at the base. Stamens reaching to the middle of the petals; anthers rotund. Ovary f inferior, persistently villous on the superior part, with 2 uniovulate chambers: styles united except for the diverging tips. Fruit 1-seeded.
Finely leafy shrub to 70 m. Leaves linear, spreading to recurved. Flowers in small, rounded heads loosely clustered in upper axils.