About 90 cm high, moderately branched, with wiry villous branchlets. Leaves mostly 1.3-1.5 cm long, including the petiole (2 mm in length), closely set, erect-spreading, linear-lanceolate, somewhat acuminate, subacute, acutely convex on the dorsal surface, concave on the ventral surface, at first ciliate, soon becoming glabrous. Stipules absent. Flower-heads 3-4 mm wide, rotund, involucred, 5-7-flowered, axillary, sessile, crowded in rotund groups of 8-24 at the ends of branches: involucral leaves considerably overtopping the flowers, mostly 4-8 mm long, linear-oblong in the lower half, attenuate upwards, obtuse, coriaceous, ciliate in the lower half, whitish, slightly spreading from the middle, the outer about half as long as the inner which serve as bracts. Bracteoles 2, reaching to shortly above the middle of the flower, acicular, with long caducous hairs on the dorsal surface. Calyx-tube turbinate, clothed with long caducous hairs, adhering to the ovary except for a narrow upper margin: calyx-lobes lanceolate, subulate-acuminate, with caducous hairs on the dorsal surface, reaching to well above the middle of the petals. Petals about 2-5 mm long, oblong, very obtuse, villous on the upper half of the dorsal surface. Anthers oblong, reaching to well above the middle of the petals. Styles connate throughout, reaching the upper half of the petals. Fruit 1-or 2-seeded: seeds elliptic, smooth, black.
Densely leafy, willowy shrub to 2 m. Leaves linear-lanceolate, 13-15 mm long, long-hairy becoming glabrescent. Flowers in small heads crowded in ovoid clusters, surrounded by short, white bracts, pink, woolly.