Branches rusty brown, ± shortly and thickly grey-pubescent.. Leaves 4–8.5 x 1–2.5 cm.; margin serrate, serrations “gland”-tipped, rarely hooked; apex acute or subacuminate; ± uniformly pubescent on both surfaces, especially on the midrib above and on (all) the nerves below; no gland-dots by transmitted light; petioles up to 1.5 (–2) cm. long, uniformly pubescent.. Some of the bracts within the panicle foliaceous, up to 5 cm. long; ultimate bracts very small (less than 2 mm. long); all axes ± uniformly pubescent.. Calyx-tube ± 0.25 mm. long; tubercles free apically, not fringed, margin sometimes bearing a few long hairs; calyx-lobes ± 1.75 x 0.5 mm. sparsely pubescent, not gland-dotted.. Petals (? greenish-) white, ± 2 mm. long in mature bud.. Ovary ± 0.75 x 0.3 mm., densely ciliate.. Fruiting pedicels straight or slightly curved; capsules irregularly pubescent, not black gland-dotted.. Aril more than half length of seed.