Branches rusty brown, uniformly and very densely grey pubescent.. Leaves 4–11 x 1–3 cm.; margin serrate, serrations occasionally “gland”-tipped, not hooked; apex acute, rarely sub-acuminate; midrib impressed and pubescent above, especially towards base, midrib and venation sparsely pubescent beneath, rest of lamina glabrous or subglabrous (on both surfaces); uniformly black gland-dotted by transmitted light when dry; petioles up to 1.5 cm. long, uniformly pubescent.. Bracts within the panicle small or foliaceous (up to ± 2 cm. long); panicles proximally pubescent only, pubescence distally interspersed with or replaced by ± numerous 1 mm. long multicellular hairs with bases expanded into tubercles, apex of pedicel puberulous (only).. Calyx-tube ± 1 (–1.5) mm. long; tubercles wholly adnate, neither free nor fringed apically; calyx-lobes 3–4 x 1 mm., puberu lous below, glabrous or subglabrous above, obscurely and sparsely black gland-dotted by transmitted light when dry.. Petals white, up to 7 mm. long.. Ovary ± 1 x 0.5 mm., ± longly pubescent and tuberculate-hairy.. Fruiting pedicels sharply curving-reflexed.. Capsules ± 4.25 mm. long, puberulous below, pubescent and tuberculate-hairy above, not black gland-dotted when dry.. Aril less than half length of seed.. Fig. 2, p. 5.