Fruits clustered on a shortly-stalked receptacle, pedicellate, ovoid, with a thick cartilaginous pericarp, dehiscent, the suture sometimes raised into a low ridge; pericarp thickly woody-crustaceous in mature fruits.
Inflorescences capitate with flowers densely clustered in sub-globose shortly pedunculate heads in leaf axils, bracteate; bracteoles absent; flowers unisexual, shortly pedicellate.
Leaves subcoriaceous, rounded to cuneate at the base, minutely punctate beneath, lateral nerves not prominent, tertiary venation reticulate.
Male flower perianth funnel-shaped, 3–4-lobed; stamen filaments fused into a slender column; anthers 3–4, adnate to the column.
Seeds ellipsoid; aril ± lobed at the apex, or cupular and entire; endosperm not ruminate.
Female flower perianth as in male; stigma sessile.
Evergreen trees, monoecious or dioecious.