Dioecious. Branches striate. Winter bud scales dark brown, imbricate. Petiole 9--13 cm; leaf blade palmately 7--9-foliolate; petiolules radiate, slender, lateral ones 7--10 mm, terminal one ca. 3 cm; leaflets lanceolate-linear to lanceolate, 7--11 × 2--4 cm, subleathery, membranous when young, abaxially pale green and densely maculate when young, adaxially dark green, base acute, apex slenderly long caudate, cauda ca. 3 cm; secondary veins 9 pairs, arcuately anastomosing remote from margin; tertiary veinlets slender. Inflorescences pyramidal, ca. 12 cm; bracts persistent. Pedicel slender, 1--2 cm, lowest longest; bracteoles linear, 7--9 mm, apex acuminate. Male flowers: outer 3 sepals lanceolate, ca. 11 × 3 mm, apex obtusely acuminate; inner 3 sepals linear, ca. 8 × 1 mm, base attenuate. Petals absent. Stamens 6--9 mm; filaments longer than anthers, connate into a tube; anthers lanceolate; connective apical appendage apiculate, ca. 0.6 mm. Pistillodes subulate, concealed within filament tube. Female flowers and fruit not seen.