Tree, 13 m or higher, up to 60 cm ø; bark thick, yellowish or greyish, brittle, rough with lenticels. Leaves elliptic or obovately so, apex rounded, base broadly attenuate and obtuse, or sometimes rounded, dark green and shining above, dull and much paler beneath, coriaceous and rather stiff, smooth, i.e. practically not tubercled beneath, edge a little revolute, 7-13 by 4-7 cm, nerves (12-)15-17 (rarely more) pairs, rather straight, subparallel and close together, slightly raised above, hardly so beneath, reticulation obscure; petiole stout, (2-)2.5-3 cm. Inflorescence not known. Infructescence an umbel of 3-4 branches (c. 1 cm) on a robust peduncle (2-4 cm), bracts at base of the umbel according to the scars small and apparently early caducous. Flowers, as seen from the left scars, 2-4 clustered at the end of each branch of the umbel, certainly not in a row as in S. secundiflora. Calyx on immature fruit cup-shaped, 2 mm, rather distinctly lobed. Drupe ovoid-ellipsoid, short-apiculate, 3.2-3.7 by 2-2.3 cm. Seed said to be surrounded with a soft white sourish tasting layer.