Leaves towards the ends of the branches, on glabrous or glabrescent petioles c. 12 cm. long; lamina 8–20 × 7–15 cm., broadly cordate-ovate with 3–7 usually caudate-acuminate lobes or angles, glabrous at maturity, c. 7-nerved at the base; petiole up to c. 12 cm. long, glabrous or nearly so.
Female flower: ovary ovoid, tomentose, with a ring of vestigial subsessile anthers at its base, on a disk-like gynophore c. 1 mm. long; style c. 3 mm. long, tomentose Follicles 2–3, 7–9 × 5–6 cm., ovoid-globose, scarcely apiculate, brown-tomentellous outside.
Seeds c. 2 × 1–3 cm., dark brown, numerous, cylindric or radially compressed, surrounded by a yellow aril or dry pulp similar to that of baobab seeds.
Calyx 1·2–1·4 cm. long, yellowish-brown or greenish, campanulate, 5–6-lobed to about half-way, tomentose outside and inside except towards the base.
Flowers in terminal yellowish-hairy racemes or panicles 10–12 cm. long; bracteoles c. 5 mm. long, caducous, oblong, tomentellous on both sides.
Male flower: anthers numerous, in a capitate-globose cluster on a glabrous androphore c. 4 mm. long with a tomentose disk at its base.
Tall tree up to 40 m. tall or even more; bark pale yellow and smooth.