Shrubs. Branchlets at first densely stellate pubescent. Stipules linear-lanceolate, ca. 6 mm; petiole robust, 2-3 cm, densely yellow-brown hairy; leaf blade elliptic or elliptic-oblanceolate, 10-22 × 4-9 cm, papery, abaxially gray and gray-brown stellate pubescent, adaxially dark green and glabrous, base cuneate or acute, apex shortly acuminate. Inflorescence paniculate, axillary, minutely yellow-brown hairy. Pedicel 6-8 mm. Epicalyx lobes linear, ca. 2.5 cm. Male flowers: calyx red, divided to base, lobes triangular-lanceolate, ca. 12 cm, adaxially nearly glabrous, abaxially stellate pubescent. Male flowers: androgynophore curved, glabrous. Anthers 10. Female flowers: ovary globose, densely yellow-white puberulent. Style reflexed, minutely villous; stigma swollen. Follicle elliptic, 4-5 × ca. 1.5 cm, densely red-brown puberulent. Seeds black-brown, oblong, ca. 1.1 cm. Fl. Apr.