A cactus. It is a large plant like a tree. It grows 5-8 m tall. It has thick trunks with many erect or arching branches. The stems are blue-green and ribbed. They are 9-10 cm across. There are 8-9 ribs. The spines are yellow and turn black. They are stiff, and straight. There is one central spine 5 cm long. There are 7-9 spines around it that are 3 cm long. The flowers open at night. They are funnel shaped and white. They are 15 cm long. The fruit are oval and green to red. They are covered with scales.
Life form |
Growth form |
Growth support |
Foliage retention |
Sexuality |
Pollination |
Spread |
Mature width (meter) |
Mature height (meter) |
3.25 - 4.75
Root system |
Rooting depth (meter) |
Root diameter (meter) |
Flower color |
Blooming months |
Fruit color |
Fruiting months |
Nitrogen fixer |
Photosynthetic pathway |
A subtropical plant. It grows in high arid regions in Argentina. In Argentina it grows between 200-1,000 m above sea level.
Light |
Soil humidity |
Soil texture |
Soil acidity |
Soil nutriment |
Hardiness (USDA) |
The rind has a tangy lemon flavour and is edible. The fruit can be eaten cooked. They are eaten as a vegetable or as a seasoning for fish. The ripe fruit are eaten raw.
Mode |
Germination duration (days) |
Germination temperacture (C°) |
Germination luminosity |
Germination treatment |
Minimum temperature (C°) |
Optimum temperature (C°) |
Size |
Vigor |
Productivity |