Plants small, caespitose, dark green; saxicolous. Stems 2-4 mm long, simple; in section without distinct central strand, cortical cells small, somewhat thickened toward margin. Leaves incurled, crisped dry, wide-spreading wet; narrowly elliptical, 2.5-4.0 mm long; apex acute; margins plane, entire. Costa percurrent to mucronate; ventral superficial cells quadrate to short-rectangular, smooth, thin-walled, dorsal superficial cells elongate, incrassate, smooth; in section round, guide cells 4, ventral cells in 2-3 layers, similar to guide cells or slightly larger, dorsal stereid band 3-4 cells thick. Upper laminal cells hexagonal to quadrate, incrassate, mammillose ventrally, smooth to weakly mammillose dorsally; basal cells rectangular to elongate-hexagonal, thin-walled, hyaline, narrower at margins, extending up margin to form distinct V-shaped area. Paroicous. Antheridia in axils of perichaetial and subperichaetial leaves. Perichaetia terminal; leaves undifferentiated. Seta 3-5 mm long, yellowish; capsule ovoid to short-cylindrical, 1.0-1.5 mm long, yellow-brown; peristome fragile, described as rudimentary, only basal fragments observed; operculum and calyptra not seen; spores round, 10-12 µm, granulate.