Scandent shrub. Twigs thinly, minutely pubescent. Leaves oblong-ovate, 7.5-10 by 3.5-4 cm, thin-chartaceous, midrib on both sides slightly pubescent near the base or glabrous beneath; base rounded, attenuate, apex tapering acute-acuminate; 3-5-plinerved; petiole 7.5 mm. Inflorescences terminal, with a pair of strong branches in the upper leaf-axils, c. 5-7 cm long, lax, many-flowered, thinly short-pubescent. Calyx 1 mm, outside sub glabrous, inside glabrous, sepals ovate, blunt to acute. Corolla 2.5 mm, tube 1 mm, lobes thickened towards the apex, inside with a line of erect, bristle-like hairs about halfway the free lobes (these hairs sometimes missing in older flowers!). Stamens inserted in the mouth, filaments 0.5 mm, glabrous, anther broad-ovate (subquadrangular), 0.5 mm, apiculate, slightly barbate. Pistil 1.5 mm, thinly pubescent. Fruit unknown.