Leaves with an appressed–pubescent, short, 1–3(4) mm. long petiole; lamina shining and dark green above, paler and less shining beneath, coriaceous, ovate, orbicular, or sometimes elliptic, 1–2(3) times as long as wide, 1·8–5(7) x 1–3(5) cm., sub–acuminate, acute, or rarely rounded and mucronulate at the apex, rounded to cuneate at the base, above glabrous or sparingly appressed–pubescent on the impressed costa or less often glabrous, often minutely ciliate; with one or two pairs of secondary veins from or from above the base curved along the margin and often with a faint submarginal pair; tertiary venation inconspicuous.
Corolla in the mature bud 2·4–2·5 x as long as the calyx, 3·3–4·2 mm. long, white or pale yellow, campanulate, outside glabrous or puberulous, inside white–penicillate in the throat; tube wide, 1·3–1·5 times as long as the calyx, 1–1 .5 times as long as the lobes, 2·2 .2 x 2·3 mm.; lobes triangular, 1·3–1·7 x as long as wide 1·3–2 x 1–1·2 mm..thick, acute, suberect.
Stamens included; filaments very short, 6–7 times as long as the anthers, glabrous, inserted at one–half to two–thirds from the base of the corolla tube; anthers nearly cordate, 0·9–1·2 x 0 ·6–0·8 mm., bearded at the base.
Sepals one–third connate, equal or subequal, ovate or broadly ovate, 1·3–1·8 x 1–1·4 mm., acute at the apex, ciliate, outside appressed–pubescent, especially at the base, inside glabrous, without colleters.
Branches brown or grey–brown, more or less terete, not sulcate when dry, not or hardly lenticellate, often hairy like the branchlets; branchlets with a pale grey– or brown appressed pubescent indument.
A climber or scrambling shrub. It forms dense tangles. It grows about 4 m high. The fruit are soft and orange or yellow. They are about 1 cm across with one or two seeds.
Pistil glabrous, 2–2 .8 mm. long; ovary broadly ovoid, 0·8–1·2 times as long as wide, 1–1·2 x 1–1·2 mm., 2–celled; style 1–1·8 mm. long, rather thick; stigma capitate.
Fruit orange or yellow, soft, ellipsoid, slightly longer than wide, 12 x 9–15 x 12 mm., l(2)–seeded, with smooth skin, slightly shining. Wall thin.
Seed dark brown, flattened, more or less plano–convex, elliptic, 9–10 x 7–9 x 2 mm., with thick very short erect hairs, rather rough.
Inflorescence terminal and (occasionally) also axillary, congested, many–flowered, 0·7 x 1–2 x 2·5 cm.
Climber or scandent shrub, about 4 m. high, forming a dense tangle.
Tendrils solitary in the axils of ordinary leaves.
Flowers 5–merous, sessile.