A climbing shrub. Twigs thinly pubescent. Leaves oblong, rarely ovate-oblong, 8-10 by 4-4.5 cm, thin-chartaceous, glabrous except for small tufts in the nerve-axils beneath, base broadly cuneate to rounded, apex gradually acuminate, acumen short, broad, and acute; 3-plinerved from the base, veins obliquely transverse; petiole 6-11 mm. Inflorescences axillary, 1.5-2 cm long (peduncie ¾-1 cm), few-flowered, peduncle fairly densely, the other parts thinly pubescent. Calyx 1 mm, sepals suborbicular, acute, outside glabrous, inside fairly densely appressed short-hairy. Corolla 4 mm, up to 2.5 mm connate, inside with a whorl of erect, bristle-like hairs at the base of the lobes and fairly densely, shortly, patently hairy above this whorl. Stamens inserted halfway the corolla-tube, anthers subsessile, broadly ovate, c. 0.8 mm long, bearded. Pistil 1⅔ mm, glabrous. Fruit unknown.