Large liana. Twigs patently rufous-hairy. Leaves ovate to oblong, 9-16.5 by 4-6.5 cm, papyraceous to chartaceous, above minutely pubescent mainly on the midrib and the basal half of the nerves, beneath sparsely patently pubescent all over the surface, more densely so on nerves and veins, moreover fairly densely minutely warty; base rounded to faintly cordate, apex gradually acute-acuminate; 3-to faintly 5-plinerved at the base; petiole 3-4 mm. Flowers unknown, according to the collector small and yellow. Infructescences axillary, c. 2 cm long, with thick branches and strongly broadened torus, pubescent like the twigs; 1 or few fruits. Fruits globular, c. 3.5-4 cm ø, red. Seeds many, elliptic, flattened, 19 by 12.5 mm.