Tree, shrub or climber, 1-15 m high, bark dark grey. Leaves dark green above, slightly shiny, ovate or narrowly elliptic, apex acuminate; petioles glabrous; tendrils solitary. Inflorescence axillary, solitary, lax, few-flowered. Flowers 4-or 5-merous, bisexual, cream-coloured. Calyx pale green, connate at base, acute or obtuse, glabrous both sides. Corolla 4-lobed, yellow-white, inner surface puberulent, outer surface minutely glabrous; tube short, campanulate. Stamens exserted on corolla tube; anthers oblong; filaments glabrous. Ovary 1-or 2-locular; style short, stigma capitate, bilobed. Flowering time Sept.-Feb. Fruit 1-seeded, globose, yellow-orange. Seeds pale brown, ellipsoid, testa thin, hilum at central side.
Tree, 2-15 m high. Leaves broadest in lower half, usually long-acuminate in upper half, up to 55 mm long. Inflorescence lateral. Flowers 4-merous. Fruit small, 14 mm in diameter, stipitate at base. Flowers cream.
A shrub or climber. It can be a shrub 5 m high then climb to 70 m long. The fruit are orange when ripe but pale green when young. They are round and soft. They are 1-2 cm across.
Branchlets conspicuously lenticellate, ultimate ones often covered with a pale skin which later splits and peels off
With solitary tendrils, shrub or small tree (known in E. Africa as a tree up to 80 ft. high)
Flowers greenish-yellow, in few-flowered axillary cymes