Corolla in the mature bud 3·5–5 x as long as the calyx, 4·5–6·5 mm. long and rounded at the apex, white, outside glabrous or minutely papillose–pubescent, inside densely pilose on the lobes and in the throat, less pilose in the tube, glabrous at the base; tube cylindrical or nearly so, 1·7–3 x as long as the calyx, 1–1·3 x as long as the lobes, 2·4–3·5 mm. long, at the throat 1·8–2·2 mm. wide; lobes oblong, 1·7–2·5 x as long as wide, 2·4–3·3 x 1·2–1·5 mm., acute, recurved.
Fruit orange or yellow, nearly mature pale green, with paler dots, small, soft, ellipsoid, 15 x 10–20 x 18 mm., often mucronate, often obliquely pedicellate, with smooth skin, 1–2–seeded. Wall thin, when dry 0·3–0·5 mm. thick. Pulp orange or yellow.
Seed ochraceous, often obliquely ellipsoid, flattened, 10 x 8 x 3–14 x 11 x 4 mm., at one side with a deep pit at the other with a bulge surrounded by a shallow groove; seemingly papillose; false papillae simulated by short curved hairs.
Inflorescence axillary and occasionally also terminal, rather congested, few–flowered, much shorter than the leaves, 1·5 x 1–2·5 x 1·5 cm. Peduncle, branched, and pedicels short, thin, glabrous.
Climbing shrub or liana, at least 6–10 m. high, climbing over shrubs or in trees, not climbing shrub or small tree with short thick trunk and often liana–like branches, 2–12 m. high.
Branches ochraceous or black–brown, often spotted, not lenticellate, terete, not or hardly sulcate when dry; branchlets glabrous, terete, ochraceous and often sulcate when dry.
Stamens exserted; filaments 0·8–1·5 x as long as the anthers, elongate at anthesis, inserted at the mouth of the corolla tube; anthers oblong, 0·7–1 x 0·4–0·6 mm., glabrous.
Pistil glabrous, 4–5·5 mm. long; ovary ovoid or nearly so, 1–1·5 x 0·8–1 mm., 2–celled; style slender, 2·8–4·2 mm. long; stigma obscurely bilobed or less often capitate.
Bark slightly rough, grey or black, in section faded yellow; sapwood white; wood faded yellow.
Trunk short (in trees), 50 cm. in diam.
Tendrils — if present — paired.
In each cell 6–8 ovules.