Annual, erect, very slender, up to 35 cm high. Stem slender, leafless or with a single linear leaf, sparingly furnished with very short glandular hairs. Leaves petioled, subrosulate, obovate-sub-spathulate, usually 5 mm long or less; petioles half as long as the blades. Inflorescences large, very lax, cymose, many-flowered. Flowers (sub)-sessile; bracts minute, lanceolate. Calyx-tube and lobes very laxly glandular-hairy; tube (ovary) filiformous, 7-10 mm long; lobes oblanceolate-subspathulate, 2-2½ mm long, the 2 anterior ones somewhat larger and connate almost up to the very top. Corolla pale yellow (Brass), 5 mm long, tube glabrous or very laxly glandular-hairy, about as long as the calyx-lobes; appendages of the throat 2, broad and distinct; between the anterior and posterior segments with a conspicuous glandular corpusculum; segments not free, the posterior ones 2-3 mm long, connate about half their lengths, bifid, forming together a 4-fid whole with unequal lobes, the anterior segments smaller, equal, dissected at the top, the lobes linear; labellum small, lanceolate-ovate, long-acuminate, inserted below the margin of the tube, without appendages. Column geniculate, 5-6 mm long. Capsule narrow, 1 cm long or less.