Annual, erect, 5-20 cm high. Stem simple or very sparingly dichotomously branched, glabrous, with a few leaves only. Leaves scattered, (sub)sessile, (oblong-)obovate, blunt, the lower leaves somewhat rosulate and 10 mm long at the utmost, the upper ones smaller and gradually passing into the linear bracts. Inflorescences composed of 2-3 flowers or subdichotomously branched. Flowers very small, sessile. Calyx thinly sprinkled with glandular hairs or glabrous; tube (ovary) very narrow, about 10 mm long; two of the segments connate into a slightly bifid lobe. Corolla very small, white (or violet?), very sparingly glandular hairy; tube hardly longer than the calyx lobes; appendages of the throat minute though distinct; segments free, the posterior ones bifid, the anterior segments much smaller; labellum very small, subulate. Capsule linear, up to 2 cm long.