Woody herb or subshrub, either completely prostrate or more typically erect, 0.1–1.5 m. tall or long, usually much branched.. Stems glabrescent, glabrous or with pubescence in a narrow longitudinal line alternating in position from internode to internode.. Leaflets elliptic or lanceolate, 0.5–3 cm. long, 1.5–7 mm. wide, rounded to acute at both ends, mucronulate, usually rather thick, pubescent or mostly glabrous or with some sparse bristles on the nerves beneath, the nerves sometimes thickened and very prominent beneath towards the margins; free part of petiole and rhachis together 2–10 mm. long; petiolules 0.5–1 mm. long; stipules 0.9–1.6 cm. long.. Inflorescences dense but sometimes quite elongated (in W. Africa); rhachis l–6(–14) cm. long; peduncle 0–3.5 cm. long; primary bracts glabrous to densely pubescent and bristly, 1.2–1.5 cm. long; secondary bracts 5–6 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide; bracteoles 1–2, 3–6 mm. long; plumose axis usually present, 3–4 mm. long.. Receptacle 6.5–9 mm. long; calyx-lobes oblong, 3.5–5 mm. long, 1–1.5 mm. wide.. Standard dull yellow or orange, usually with a bronze or orange-red mark within near the base, 6–8 mm. long, 5–7 mm. wide; wings yellow, sometimes darker at the base; keel white or yellow.. Pods 4–7 mm. long, 1–2-jointed, the articles 3–5 mm. long, 1.5–2.5 mm. wide, mostly glabrous but sometimes pubescent (in W. Africa); beaks 1–2 mm. long.. Seeds pale brown, oblong or compressed-pyriform, pointed at corner nearest the hilum, shiny, longest dimension 2 mm., shorter dimension 1.5 mm., ± 1 mm. thick.
A shrub. It grows 60 cm tall. It can lie along the ground. The leaflets are narrowly oval to sword shaped and 0.5-3 cm long by 1.5-7 mm wide. The flowers are yellow. They are in dense groups up to 6 cm long. The pods are 4-7 mm long and have 1 or 2 joints. The seeds are pale brown and 2 mm long.
Erect or rather prostrate undershrub about 2 ft. high