Glabrous trees with terete branches. Leaves 3-to 5-foliolate; petiole (with rachis) 10-13 cm. long, flattened above and 2-3 sulcate, swollen at the nodes; leaflets elliptic, 14-32 cm. long, 6-13 cm. broad, acute or obtuse basally, acute and briefly attenuate apically, with about 12-20 confluent, arcuate, scarious-pubescent, lateral nerves; petiolules terete, canaliculate above, 4-8 mm. long. Inflorescence axillary from non-foliate nodes, spicate, many-flowered, 5-16 cm. long, short-pubescent; pedicels 1-1.5 cm. long; buds globular, about 6 mm. in diameter. Flowers apetalous; calyx rupturing into 3-5 irregular lobes; stamens many, gla-brous, in 2 series, shorter ones 1-1.5 cm. long, longer ones 1.9-2.1 cm. long; anthers bilocular, smaller ones 1.5-1.8 mm. long, larger ones 2-2.5 mm. long; ovary glabrous, linear-stipitate, including the style 2-3 cm. long; ovules about 13; style 6-7 mm. long; stigma truncate-capitate. Legume elongate, 12-20 c-m. long, subterete, stipitate, apically attenuate; loculi 1-2, 1.3-2 cm. broad, interlocular constriction 0.2-1 cm. broad; seeds arillate, about 5 cm. long and 0.7 cm. broad.